Inland Spill Response: WRI Environmental
Fastwater spill response , river spill response and inland oil spill response training are our speciality at WRI Environmental. WRI has comprehensive experience in every aspect of inland spill response. From pre-planning, collecting data and creating Geographic Response Plans -to coordinating multi-agency spill response training and fastwater oil spill response, WRI’s team is the regional leader in inland environmental response and training on rivers.

Fastwater Spill Response Training
Located near Missoula, Montana on the Clark Fork River, WRI Training Center provides the ideal location for comprehensive courses. We have also conducted fastwater spill response trainings throughout the U.S.: from the Mississippi to the Columbia, we have the experience to train your team. We offer a range of classes that emphasize responder safety and risk management, while providing hands-on training with skills needed to quickly deploy boom in fast water. Participants learn to recognize and avoid fastwater hazards, equipment, booming strategies, recovery systems, rigging onshore anchors, establishing mid-stream attachment points, creating deflection boom, containment boom, cascading chevrons, line crossings, boom vanes, jet boat operations and much more.
Fastwater Spill Response: Spill Response Technician
The Swiftwater Spill Response Technician course is designed for first responders with exposure to fast water environments. The class will emphasize responder safety and risk management, while providing hands-on training with skills needed to quickly deploy boom in fast water. Participants learn to recognize and avoid fastwater hazards, equipment, booming strategies, recovery systems, rigging onshore anchors, establishing mid-stream attachment points, creating deflection boom, collection boom, cascading chevrons, line crossings, boom vanes, jet boat operations and much more.

WRI on the Mississippi RIver
The Swiftwater Spill Response Operations course is designed for first responders with exposure to fast water environments. The class will emphasize responder safety and risk management, while providing hands-on training with skills needed to quickly deploy boom in fast water. Participants learn to recognize and avoid fastwater hazards, equipment, booming strategies, recovery systems, rigging onshore anchors, establishing mid-stream attachment points, creating deflection boom, collection boom, cascading chevrons, line crossings, boom vanes, and jet boat operations.
“Whether you are a river-rookie or an experienced boater, WRI tailors their classes to what you need to learn in a fun and challenging environment. Their scenario based teaching approach creates an electric learning atmosphere where you feel like you are in actual river rescue situations. I would recommend them to anybody!”